Since at least 2017, communities have rallied around NFT projects across the entire space, as seen with the explosion in popularity the CryptoPunks community and others enjoyed IRL, in the form of in-person community meetups and events. But for others, projects have inspired so much love in some members’ hearts that they’ve decided to represent their favorite NFTs IRL permanently — with tattoos.Considering the recent rise of NFTs existing in our physical world, it’s no surprise that enthusiasts have taken to using NFTs they own, or simply just like a lotIn a deeply personal way. It’s a personal way to show your love for a project. The NFT is permanent, so it doesn’t last forever.
OSF keeps its promise to get a Rektguy Tattoo
As promised. @rektguyNFT
— OSF (@osf_rekt) December 13, 2022