Zoe Saldaña She proudly displays her vibrant ink, and the timing could not be more enjoyable. The renowned Guardians of the Galaxy 44-year-old actress recently shared a video selfie with her followers on social media. The sci-fi actress wore loose-fitting jeans and her arms wrapped around her chest while preparing for a new role.
Use Instagram The platform chosen by the actress is Star Trek Beyond. The video begins with the star holding her phone sideways and then posing. The actress blows a kiss and flips her hair confidently before meeting the viewer’s gaze and smiling in the mirror. The clip concludes with a glimpse of a tattoo of Marco Perego’s left rib cage, a piece of art that was a gift from her husband. Avatar star told You can also learn more about the people by clicking here. In 2017, it was “private.” You can see the tattoos in the photo below.