There’s new-to-the-Valley cosmetic care now available in Eau Claire, and it might surprise some folks: IV Therapy. Yep, IVs are not just in hospitals, and they’re not just for treating illness.
Eau Claire Body Care, located at 2186 Eastridge Center in Eau Claire, offers a variety of services, including IV Therapy. Although the aesthetic wellness center has been operating for a few years, the current location was acquired in 2022. Molly Rodriguez, the owner, is doing everything she can to promote the business.
Rodriguez has been a registered nurse for 15 years with a master’s degree in public health, but a handful of years ago, a personal avenue merged with her personal life thanks to a longtime culprit: acne.
“When I was younger, and into my adult years even, I struggled with acne. I went to different doctors, tried different creams and medications, and 40 years ago we just didn’t have the tools or understanding we have today about acne,” she explained. “It wasn’t until about 12 years ago I connected with a naturopathic doctor … she told me, “You have all these gut problems so we need to get your gut on track, and your skin will improve.”
“The biggest benefits people talk about when consistently doing IV Therapy is, they have more energy, sleep better, and their skin improves.” –Molly Rodriguez, Eau Claire Body Care
Rodriguez remembered not being 100% on board with the doctor’s idea at the time, but she was willing to try. She started using skincare products that were safe for her skin. She avoided the artificial chemicals and fragrances found in most off-the-shelf products.
“It just evolved into, all of a sudden, my career shifted from working on the floor as a nurse to helping people with their gut health and skin, educating them on using the right products,” Rodriguez said.
Rodriguez and their husband moved to Eau Claire three years back. Coming out of the pandemic, an opportunity arose when Eau Claire Body was going to close if someone didn’t step in and buy the business. Rodriguez was able to reimagine the care of the locals when she came into the picture.
She knows people may be skeptical about trying IV Therapy: “It’s normal to be nervous when you’re trying something new, and you actually should be nervous and skeptical,” she said. “It’s really important to find third-party evidence that supports what you want to do, and see what the research is pointing to.”

The Midwest is just now catching up to the popularity of IV Therapy in the United States. Rodriguez pointed out that its “late” arrival to the area is a positive since there are now 10 years of use and research to back what is effective.
“We have shifted (Eau Claire Body Care’s) approach from focusing on permanent makeup to helping people heal from the inside-out, healing their skin,” she explained.
Rodriguez explains why IV Therapy bypasses the entire digestive system and is therefore a crucial part of inside-out therapy. “In the digestive system, (vitamins and minerals) would have to break down, absorb through the intestinal lining, and then try to make its way to the proper cells. We use IVs in medicine because we need to get medication to cells as quickly and efficiently as possible. The same law transfers over to hydrating your body and giving it vitamins and nutrients it needs.”

Eau Claire Body Care offers 7 types of IV Therapy: Hydration IV; Energy Boost; Myers Cocktail; Hangover.
“The biggest benefits people talk about when consistently doing IV Therapy is, they have more energy, sleep better, and their skin improves,” Rodriguez said.
Eau Claire Body Care also offers mobile IV therapy. Eau Claire Body Care, unlike a traditional day spa, has licensed tattooists, estheticians, a medical doctor, and four registered nurses. They can travel to anyone, whether they are in transit or at a music festival or hotel.
Last year’s Country Jammers might recognize Eau Claire Body Care since they were at the festival under the Hydration Station tent, and they’ll be there again this year, offering IV Therapy. New this year is the Hydration Station’s presence at the Blue Ox Music Festival as well.
“It’s normal and okay to be nervous; it’s good to be a skeptic,” Rodriguez said. “Just don’t live in the skepticism, try something and see for yourself if it works for you.”
Visit our website to learn more about Eau Claire Body Care’s website To learn more about these services, call (715) 666-3999.
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