Kelsea Ballerini took to social media and subtly showed off her new tattoo. Fans were convinced that it had a hidden meaning linked to her healing from her divorce from fellow country musician Morgan Evans.
The new tattoo features three mountains with a sun above them and two birds, which may reference her song. Mountain With A View You can also learn more about us on our website. Rolling up The Welcome Mat The EP and the accompanying short film give insight into the couple’s seemingly imperfect marriage.
Ballerini posted on social media: “Here is my healing journey.” Here’s what my heart feels like. Here’s the truth. I have never been so open, bold, and proud of my work. With love and respect, I roll up the welcome rug.”
The first track, released on Valentine’s Day and broken into chapters, is the first track. Mountain With A View The song contains lyrics that describe the death of a relationship following marriage.
“It’s seven in the morning, and I’m at a mountaintop overlooking a beautiful view. / I’m alone at a table that was meant for two.” She sings. I know you loved me more when I was 23. I believe that’s the time it’s done for me.
Ballerini and Evans will divorce after nearly five years. The two country singers met for the first time in March 2016 while co-hosting CMC Awards. After a one-year engagement, they were married in Cabo San Luis, Mexico, in December 2017.
Ballerini’s name has been associated with the NBC Sports Network since January. Outer Banks actor Chase Stokes. He posted a photo on Instagram of the pair getting close at a football game. The couple made their red-carpet debut at the CMT Music Awards last April. Since then, they have not been short of public displays. Last month, Stokes ran off stage to kiss them while she was still singing—penthouseAnother song inspired by her divorce.
Evans responded to Ballerini’s allegations about their relationship. He wrote on social media: “It makes me sad to see someone I’ve spent so much time with and who I love with all my being say things that aren’t true and leave out the truth.” She knows that I don’t speak about these things in public. “If this is the thing she needs to heal herself, I hope it helps.”
Here you can find out what’s new with Kelsea.
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