Jessica Smith’s Bold Move Erasing Tattoos and Ties to Stephen Bear After Scandal


In the aftermath of Stephen Bear’s scandal and imprisonment for secretly recording and profiting from explicit content involving ex-girlfriend Georgia Harrison, his ex-fiancée Jessica Smith is making significant strides to distance herself from the disgraced reality star. Jessica, who recently ended their engagement via a prison phone call, is taking a bold step by opting for tattoo removal, eliminating any lingering tributes to Bear from her skin. This article delves into Jessica’s actions, the removal process, and her resilient approach to moving on from a tumultuous chapter in her life.

Jessica Smith took a significant step in distancing herself from Stephen Bear
Jessica Smith took a significant step in distancing herself from Stephen Bear Credit: PA.

Tattoo Removal: A Symbolic Breakaway: once engaged to Stephen Bear, Jessica Smith is now removing tattoos dedicated to him. These include his name on the back of her right arm and an engagement ring tattoo. The decision to erase these symbols goes beyond mere ink removal; it symbolizes Jessica’s firm resolve to sever ties with a past that Bear’s actions have marred. The removal process, as shared on Jessica’s Instagram, involves multiple sessions, emphasizing the gradual but deliberate nature of her journey.

She has gone for another round of laser to remove her tattoos
She has gone for another round of laser to remove her tattoos Credit: Instagram.

Jessica’s Instagram Update: Laser Removal Insights: Providing her followers with a glimpse into this transformative journey, Jessica shared a video on Instagram detailing her second session of laser removal. With a bandage wrapped around her hand, she dispelled apprehensions about the process. Jessica revealed she is having four tattoos removed in one session, showcasing her commitment to a clean slate. Describing the sensation as akin to hot oil splattering, she demystified the pain, stating, “It’s doable, and I’m glad I’ve done it.” Her transparency and courage serve to inspire those who may be contemplating similar steps.

Stephen faced imprisonment for secretly recording and profiting from a sex tape featuring his ex-girlfriend Georgia Harrison
Stephen faced imprisonment for secretly recording and profiting from a sex tape featuring his ex-girlfriend Georgia Harrison Credit: Splash.

Moving On and Embracing a New Chapter: Having severed all communication with Bear, Jessica Smith decides to move on. The video update on her tattoo removal journey also hinted at her newfound happiness, as she revealed being in a new relationship. A recent mirror selfie with her partner, accompanied by a heartfelt caption expressing appreciation, signifies Jessica’s willingness to embrace positivity and leave behind the negativity associated with her past relationship…

He was released last week after being behind bars for 10-and-a-half months
He was released last week after being behind bars for 10-and-a-half months Credit: PA.
Jessica ended things with Bear during a prison phone call and is now dating her new beau
Jessica ended things with Bear during a prison phone call and is now dating her new beau Credit: jessicalilysmith_./Instagram

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